The AIM of this site is to

This page, Life, is going to be about things…

a. that can be proved and,
b. that can’t be disproved.

There will be personal experiences outside the norm that cannot be disproven, that is, a combination of the above.

Disprovable things are often alluring, pleasurable, exciting and potentially life transforming and certainly eye-opening. At times, they can be frustrating, annoying and invite disbelief.  Aren’t these qualities describing Life itself?

Forewarned is forearmed…not all of you will resonate with everything written here, that’s for sure but, it’ll expand your thinking.  What you then do with it will be up to you. Everything will have been experienced by me or other people as narrated to me.

These Life situations may give us answers to deep questions and, at the least, will cause us to ask questions and research from credible sources for more information.  That’s also part of the process of Life.

We either evolve or we dissolve or stagnate which often morphs into dissolvement.

What will be addressed here has mesmerised humans since the beginning of recorded history and continues to do so.

Enjoy the adventures that Life offers, that you and I will travel together. Take what resonates, leave the rest. You always have choice that is part of your free will.