Are we One?

Well, I’ll dive straight in. Many people have faith in some higher power, whatever you choose to call IT. IT has lots of names from personifications to energy Vs matter.

You may have had unexplainable experiences. You may have had spiritual realizations. You may have had none of these. That’s fine, this and other such discussions, will still be interesting and relevant.

One aspect remains though, whatever you put out, at some point, you’ll get, to varying degrees at varying times.

Let’s get a bit more concrete. When you are any of the following on a consistent basis, your reality will illustrate the same in your life.

In other words, if your modus operandi is

  • loving, caring, considerate, thoughtful, respectful, joyful, truthful; you keep your word, your commitments and so on, or
  • gossiping, bad-mouthing, being mean, cruel, cheating, complaining, lying and so on

You’ll attract more of the same. Your internal world will be reflected in your outside world.

It’s not a case of being “perfect”. It’s about being a true human being as we were designed not the flawed one created from an outside environment that has lost its way.

Some call it Karma, others, the Golden Rule or whatever else you’ve heard/read. Again, for our purposes, what it’s called, doesn’t matter.

There’s an old Chinese proverb, “Rather light a candle than curse the darkness.”

My personality creates my reality.

FOR MORE: Let’s talk about You