The AIM of this site is to

First and foremost,

If Life doesn’t come under the category of “creative”,
I can’t imagine what does.

On an earthly level, your Life is more important than anything else. Without it, you wouldn’t be here.

However, your life consists of many creative departments:

  • what comes from your minds:
    – subconscious,
    – conscious,
    – super-conscious,
  • past influences – massive section
  • what you do with your physical attributes, body parts, and sub-branches.

Your creativity is not just from innate attributes but develops from your daily experiences through various forms. It can then extend into the wider world, unless you are a hermit never budging from a cave.

There isn’t just one kind of creativity. Over time, the number of creative endeavours increases and stuns us with the magic that is within each human being.

You all have natural preferences, and you express creativity differently based on these preferences and the environment you come from, you inhabit or are creating for, and your health and financial resources.

If we all live our best lives, WE ALL BENEFIT.

On this Page, I’ll share with you some areas (not in order of importance):

  • music and instruments – playing and listening
  • painting and drawing in different mediums
  • writing – short and long, different genres
  • reading – for pleasure and life improvement, different genres
  • learning – traditional and metaphysical
  • respectful listening, which lead to, respectful discussions
  • other visual arts
  • pursuits in Mother Nature
  • gardening and environmental considerations
  • household and garden activities (to be plague-free)
  • you add to the list